Model Train & Railway Auctions & Valuations

Our specialists are passionate about model trains and railways. We offer free expert valuation advice for selling at auction.


Since the mid-19th century, enthusiasts have been collecting model railway and model trains. This continues today, with a large variety of makes in demand by collectors around the world. 

We hold three specially dedicated auctions every year and sell everything from vintage wooden model railway and trains, through to diecast and tinplate model trains.

Value depends on the type, condition, number of locomotives and accessories. Makers of interest include Hornby,Tri-ang and Bassett-Lowke, Airfix, Bachmann, Dapol, Hornby, Lima, Rivarossi, Slaters, Wrenn and many more.

We offer free pre-sale valuations for all types of model trains, diecast and model railway items. Simply fill out the details in our online valuation form or ring us on 0191 430 3000 to arrange a free pre-sale valuation and appraisal with one of our specialists. We offer free home visits throughout the UK for larger collections.


Lot 1601-An Antique Bing 0-4-0 tank locomotive with tender;...

An Antique Bing 0-4-0 tank locomotive with tender; together with rolling stock, to include: carriages with hinged hoods, a crane, flat bogie wagons, and other wagons, sold for £13,000 in The Toy Auction.


Lot 1602-Signals and other railway interest items, by Bing ...

Signals and other railway interest items, by Bing and others, mostly unmarked, sold for £1,200.


Valuations to sell Models Trains at Auction

We hold regular auctions in Newcastle and are the leading auction house in the North East of England.

If you would like to arrange for a free auction valuation at our offices or in the privacy of your own home please contact us.


Fred Wyrley-Birch

Fred Wyrley-Birch

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