Prints and paintings from the early 19th Century and beyond, including portraits, interior scenes, marine views with shipwrecks and sailing vessels, and atmospheric local landscapes. Included in the auction is a collection of Japanese wood block prints and watercolours, and a series of charming etchings by Isabel Codrington, detailing life from the female perspective during the early 20th Century.
Wed 12/03/25 10am-3pm
Our first day of sale hosts and impressive selection of toys, railwayana, country sports, cameras, coins, books, and other collector’s items. Some of the predicted highlights in this day are: an A. Adams & Co, London, plate camera; a Rudyard Kipling first edition Jungle Books 1 & 2; an Edward Weller ‘The Weekly Atlas’; a pair of African Baule People carved figures; Finnish State number plates; and Siebe Gorman diving gear.
Our second day of sale has a significant selection of wine and whisky, sports memorabilia, musical instruments, hi-fi and vinyl records. Some of days two’s highlights include: a bottle of Sullivan’s Cove 21 Year Old Whisky; two bottles of The Macallan 18 Year Old Whisky; many mixed cases of French red wine, originally retailed by The Wine Society; a vintage Bukta Zeebux England away strip; a pair of Linn AV515 monoblock power amplifiers; and many more items.
Our viewing takes place on the Tuesday 18th of March, we hope to see you there!
Tues 18/03/25 10am-3pm
A selection of silver, jewellery and watches to appeal to all tastes.
Tues 25/03/25 10am-3pm
Curated by renowned silver specialist, Alexis Butcher, our Fine Silver Auction presents an extraordinary selection of antique and modern silver, featuring rare and historically significant pieces from England, Europe, China, Russia, America, and India. Highlights include a rare Edward IV silver diamond-point spoon from around 1470, an exquisite pair of George III silver tea caddies by Pierre Gillois, and a stunning set of James II or William and Mary silver-gilt Trefid spoons.
Fri 28/03/25 10am-4.30pm
Sat 29/03/25 10am-12.30pm
Mon 31/03/25 10am-2pm
This auction boasts a variety of designer timepieces.
Fri 28/03/25 10am-4.30pm
Sat 29/03/25 10am-12.30pm
Mon 31/03/25 10am-2pm
This auction offers a stunning selection of fine & outstanding jewellery from some of the world's most luxurious designer brands, alongside fine single and multi-stone diamond and gemstone pieces, dating from the Georgian era through to the modern day.
Fri 28/03/25 10am-4.30pm
Sat 29/03/25 10am-12.30pm
Mon 31/03/25 10am-2pm
Our Spring Country House & Fine Interiors auction showcases a dazzling selection of art, ceramics, furniture, clocks, and more. This auction offers the very best of fine interiors.
Fri 28/03/25 10am-4.30pm
Sat 29/03/25 10am-12.30pm
Mon 31/03/25 10am-2pm
This auction will include an everchanging collection of affordable 18th, 19th & 20th Century home furnishings, furniture, china, glass and collectable items
Mon 07/04/25 10am-3pm
Interesting items of militaria.
Tues. 29/04/25 10am-3pm
An auction of collectors' items.
Wed 07/05/25 10am-3pm
A selection of comics over many genres.
Tues 13th May 2025 10am-3pm
This auction will include an everchanging collection of affordable 18th, 19th & 20th Century home furnishings, furniture, china, glass and collectable items.
Tues 27/05/25 10am-3pm
A carefully curated auction of modern items.
Tues 27/05/25 10am-3pm
An auction of all things interesting and collectable.
Wed 18/06/25 10a,-3pm
An auction of significant musical instruments and musical items.
Tues 24/06/25 10am-3pm