Lot 3 - A George VI silver sauceboat; and a Continental silver decorative tea strainer
Lot 8 - A John Pinches 'Flags of the United Nations' collection of silver ingots
Lot 10 - A George V Irish silver two handled cup; and two Elizabeth II silver goblets
Lot 12 - A George VI silver mug; a silver christening mug; and three jugs
Lot 16 - A late of Victorian silver plated folding toast rack; and a plated ‘Castletop’ snuff box
Lot 18 - A mid-19th Century Swedish silver spoon; and another Swedish silver spoon
Lot 22 - Judaica: a mid-20th Century silver kiddish cup; and a Continental silver mug
Lot 24 - Six late 19th/early 20th Century Chinese silver napkin rings
Lot 25 - A late 19th/early 20th Century Chinese silver model of a three-masted warship
Lot 27 - A late 19th Century Russian silver lemon tea glass holder and saucer
Lot 29 - Two silver items of Danish origin; and an American silver vase
Lot 39 - Channel Isles (Guernsey): a George III silver Christening cup
Lot 40 - Channel Isles (Guernsey): a George III silver Christening cup
Lot 41 - Channel Isles (Guernsey): a George III silver Christening cup
Lot 42 - Channel Isles (Guernsey) and duty drawback mark: a rare George III silver Christening cup
Lot 43 - Channel Isles (Guernsey): a George III silver Christening cup
Lot 44 - Channel Isles (Guernsey): a George II/III silver Christening cup
Lot 45 - Channel Isle (Guernsey): a curious 18th Century Norwegian silver small tumbler cup
Lot 46 - Channel Islands (Jersey): a late 18th Century silver beaker
Lot 48 - An early Victorian Scottish provincial silver toast or Bannock rack
Lot 49 - A George III Scottish provincial silver wine funnel and stand
Lot 70 - A George III silver teapot stand; and an Old Sheffield plated coffee pot
Lot 71 - Two silver mustard pots; and two silver candlestick nozzles